It has begun once again, it seems. If you’ve undertaken survival in Dying Light’s Haran in the previous year or so, you’ll know that there is a lot of DLC for Dying Light years on from its initial release. Well, just under two weeks from the launch of Dying Light 2: Stay Human, the first piece of cosmetic DLC has been released, and it is free.

The Authority DLC might give some of you flashbacks to mediocre WWE TV back in 2015-17, but it has nothing to do with a man that liked to spit water over people in his underpants. Instead, you can now play dress-up as the one faction you probably shouldn’t go near unless you like small mustaches and clubbing people in the street. Yes, the fascism-lite Peacekeepers, which only offer one decent way in throughout the whole game, can now be your look-a-like friends, or foes, as you play a first-person game. This is probably why I don’t get the job as the PR-person for anything.

Not that it is all sunshine, rainbows, and the boys in blue. As Techland seems to note in the trailer for the DLC, the Authority Pack is releasing in three parts. Part one includes your pants, your jacket, and your shoes, which are all available now. Then for some reason, part 2 includes a windbreaker, forearm braces, and gloves, which will be available tomorrow, the 16th of February. The final part, and the part I think actually makes sense to wait for, is the weapon available on the 18th. It is too bad (as I said in the review) that weapons are as soluble as a digestive biscuit.

All of this is part of a multi-year plan for Dying Light 2: Stay Human by Techland, bringing 5-years of support to the game. The Authority Pack DLC is only the beginning. Given the troubled launch, especially for PC players, one hopes with early patches the team can also fix several issues, some of which even I experienced.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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