eBay, the land of dishonest market places as some sellers try their hardest to be honest and good among scalpers and other scum and villainy. It has been the hive of PS5 and Xbox Series X/S scalping for a full year now, and it seems no one is actually taking care of those many many issues with these platforms. Nonetheless, it won’t surprise you to find that Elden Ring, one of the most highly anticipated games of 2022, is being sold on the platform. Not just the game, (thanks Eurogamer) but also with this weekend’s network testing which was announced alongside the game’s delay as early test keys are also being auctioned off.

No, you read that correctly. The limited network test that was free to sign-up to, which was a lottery if you got a key to try out the game, is being sold on the internet. This is clearly scum and villainy. How bad is this you might be asking? It is obscenely so. Some are listing the price at £82 and others are setting their prices as high as $264 ($14.95 for “shipping”). $264 dollars is more than the Collector’s Edition of Elden Ring was at GameStop this past week, just for context. Meanwhile, you’ll probably find Collector’s Editions going for a thousand dollars and up because it is eBay.

Of course, those who are looking to pick up a PC code will be searching for a long while, as the network test is meant to be console only. Though it isn’t hard to find a PS5 and an Elden Ring network test code for PS5 on eBay, you just need to pay with an arm, a leg, and probably seven billion souls to the fire keeper.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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