Ubisoft has made the decision to delay the fourth season of year eight of its long-running Rainbow Six Siege title as of November 28th. This move comes with an announcement for the delay that was posted on X, Facebook, and Instagram a mere seven minutes before the update was to go live across all platforms. According to a tweet, content creators were informed of this only twelve hours prior to the delay, as well – which can be corroborated by one such creator, @MeatyMarley, tweetingAnything to say @Rainbow6Game[?]” moments before the announcement.

The lapse in communication from Ubisoft is almost unheard of in the industry. Players aren’t big fans of delays already, so not addressing them in a timely manner only exacerbates the frustration and removes any goodwill that polishing the title could deliver. The ire of this timing is already being felt across the community, with such comments as “Just done with it and make a new game already. It’s beyond saving,” and “Announcing this on the day of release. 10/10 ubi.”

Coming in the Operation Deep Freeze update is a new operator, Tubarão, from the Portuguese outfit of Rainbow. The defender’s gadget is the Zoto Canister, which freezes enemy gadgets and operators themselves with an area-of-effect spread. It serves as a nice counter against gadget-dependent attackers and creates windows for movement. Content creators who got their hands on Tubarão early have been enjoying the new meta he brings, but players are going to have to wait a little longer to experience it for themselves.

Ubisoft put itself between a rock and a hard place when it set the release date for Operation Deep Freeze, not being fully sure if it was ready or not by that point. It seems evident that as developers crunched to get it ready for release, there certainly could have been a better time to let the community know a delay was necessary. With no apology in their statement, no timeframe for release, and the update erroneously being pushed out on the Xbox platform, this is a troublesome moment for Rainbow Six Siege.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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