Sometimes you want to be a chef. Other times, you want to use your job as a chef to hide heinous crimes against humans and alien kind. Okay, so maybe I’ve watched too much Sweeny Todd over the years. Or maybe I’m just super excited for Godlike Burger, a new management game that just released.

Developed by Liquid Pug LLC in conjunction with Daedalic Entertainment, Godlike Burger is available now on PC and all major console platforms. In it, you play a traveling, space-faring chef who is constantly on the lookout for new ingredients. What ingredients you ask? Well, his alien customers of course!

Here is what the press release has to say about Godlike Burger. “The murderous cooking sim Godlike Burger is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch. Players can become the deadliest chef in the galaxy and try their hand at creating the most delicious burger.

As a space-traveling chef, players must lure in their alien customers, kill them and turn them into patties. Only by combining the perfect ingredients can they create the best burger in space and turn their little diner into the biggest intergalactic restaurant. However, players must take care to keep their murderous habits under wraps and avoid the space police’s suspicions.”

Not only will you be serving customers, cooking food, and improving your kitchen, but you’ll be using deadly sauces, your trusty cleaver, and a variety of traps to ensnare said customers as well. There are a variety of quests, and you’ll have to take care to not get caught by the Space Police, otherwise, your business will be permanently shuttered. Not to mention you’ll likely go to space jail or something.

Godlike Burger looks like a blast, and I can’t wait to see what the game is like. Looks like I’ll have to dust off my apron and go find some customers to invite for…er to dinner. Now, where did that cleaver go again?

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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