In December, Dragon Quest fans will be embarking on a new journey through the franchise’s fantasy-filled world with Dragon Quest Treasures. Thanks to new screenshots released this week, we have a bit more of a visual of what will make this off-shoot different from the main series and the Minecraft-like side series Dragon Quest Builders. Apart from being full of great monsters and mystery like its mainline series, Dragon Quest Treasures is introducing new rank systems and goals that are a lot different from the turn-based RPG millions of people love.

Dragon Quest Treasures is a spin-off from the mainline series much like the Builders series. From our first look, we knew that gameplay and even the story would be different. Speaking of, we know a bit more now about the actual narrative of the game, thanks to a little synopsis from Square Enix. Main characters Erik and his sister Mia dream of being treasure hunters but are stuck living on a Viking longship. After encountering mysterious creatures from another world, they’re transported to Draconia.

It’s here that the gameplay is going to drive a totally different experience than what we’re used to in the Dragon Quest series. As you can see from the newly released screenshot above, treasure hunting is going to be the main mechanic with a rank system guiding your progress in the game. To actually hunt, you’ll be using monsters to activate your tool, the Fortune Finder, to trigger your monster’s Treasure Visions. This isn’t just a casual stroll looking for goodies though. Rival gangs can come and steal your haul.

Treasure can be basic and it can also be rare enough to bring in bountiful loot. There’s a lot more we’ll get to know as the game’s arrival draws near. For now, let us know if this game interests you in the comments!

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