It’s certainly a great week to be a fan of fighting games. On top of the recent announcement for Tekken 8, this week Capcom revealed multiple characters and gameplay for the upcoming Street Fighter 6. This new trailer focuses on returning classic characters Ken, Blanka, Dhalsim, and E. Honda. These characters have been staples of the Street Fighter rosters since the early days, and so it is no surprise to see them returning once more.

Additionally, while Dhalsim and Honda remained essentially unchanged in terms of design, the same cannot be said for Ken and Blanka. Both are sporting a new look that channels the streetwear aesthetic, a central theme of the game. I especially enjoy Ken’s design and model here. It’s not only several leagues better than his Street Fighter 5 look, but It helps him to stand out from Ryu more while staying true to the character’s background.

In addition to showing off dozens of combos and gorgeous finishers, this gameplay trailer also showcased a fair bit of details surrounding game modes. For the first time in Street Fighter history, players will be able to create their own custom characters for adventuring around Metro City. On top of appearance, these avatars seem to also have fully customizable move sets and special moves, allowing you to mix and match your favorite Street Fighter characters’ iconic attacks.

Furthermore, a new area called the Battle Hub was showcased. This looks to be the in-game hub for online play but is filled to the brim with small details that add charm to the game. Every time you enter a match your avatar sits down at an arcade cabinet before transitioning to gameplay. It also looks like you can augment battles with dozens of goofy items and challenges that drastically change gameplay, similar to the living towers from Mortal Kombat X.

Overall, Street Fighter 6 is certainly shaping up to be a much more engaging experience than its predecessor and is scheduled to launch next year on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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Edward Harding

I've been playing games since I was a little kid. I have a soft spot for Nintendo titles and RPG's but play all kinds of titles across a variety of platforms. Outside of games I love to play music and practice martial arts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

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