Well, it is that time again where we ride the merry-go-round of angry social media posts by people who want a game now and not six months from now. As you can see in the title, Techland has once again delayed Dying Light 2 from its December release date that was previously announced to Q1 2022.
The announcement came only yesterday morning across social media channels. The delay has been met with the proverbial derision by some who are a little impatient, along with others citing their pre-orders or console purchases as being a waste now. Despite the fact that the game will still release, many of the comments responding online seem to be upset that it is not coming out earlier. Techland’s reasoning is one that is rather simple: The project is quite large, “the most ambitious project we’ve ever done,” and they would prefer to polish it to high standards before February.
Update regarding release date. pic.twitter.com/xAx1RMbw0X
— Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) September 14, 2021
Of course, some have taken to defending its delay for recent obvious reasons as well. Cyberpunk 2077‘s release is weighing heavily on the mind of consumers as a game that lacked polish and featured high ambition upon its release. With this in mind, some are taking to Techland’s other comments as a means of attacking the delay: “Next month, both the press and content creators will get their hands on PC and console versions of the game during the upcoming series of preview events around the world.” Once again people cite distrust in the press for seemingly ignoring bugs and other issues. Something the press are not there to do is playtest for bugs, they are there for their opinions on the game.
I think it is fair to say that no matter what response is given to a delay, as long as work is progressing it doesn’t matter. I’d rather see a game, and I am sure many others would too, that had the time taken on it than it simply being shot out with no polish whatsoever. I may just be excited to see Techland’s latest free-running zombie open-world looks like in action, but at least with a delay, it should be fun and lacking as many bugs as possible. We’ll find out when Dying Light 2: Stay Human releases on PC and consoles on February 4th, 2022.
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