Although the original post for the latest Fallout 76 update said season five would be extended two more weeks, season six has started as it was planned to. With the release of the Sept. 8th patch notes, it was announced that due to issues claiming rewards from rank-ups purchased with atoms, the current season would be extended.

Nothing else promised with the update was going to be held back aside from the new season. Despite this announcement, the newest season ended up going live when the servers came back online. The original post was edited to reflect this change and further explain what exactly had happened.

We recently announced that we would need to delay the end of Fallout 76 Season 5 and the start of Season 6 due to an issue affecting purchased rank-ups. However, after further investigation, we have found that we can safely move forward with starting Season 6 today, September 8, as scheduled,” Bethesda stated. “We’ve been delving deep into the bug mentioned above, and have since found that it will not prevent any players from receiving the rewards they earned through rank-ups. While everyone will have their correct rewards from Season 5, we do still need to address the underlying issue that affects purchasing rank-ups with Atoms.

Since the bug is still present in the game, Bethesda has disabled the purchase of rank-ups. The feature will not be re-enabled until a fix has been found and properly patched into the game. Players can still earn levels in the season by completing challenges and the rewards can still be claimed normally. To apologize for any inconveniences caused by their previous announcement of the delay, Bethesda is giving players a double XP and S.C.O.R.E weekend that runs from the release of the patch until the 13th.

After the confusing start of the newest season, the new features added seem to be working as intended. However, players on the Fallout 76 Subreddit have commented that previously patched-out bugs seem to be back in the game. Other players have also noticed that their daily challenges have been completed when they log in, thus preventing them from progressing in the Scoreboard.

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Jonathan Isenhour

Enjoyer of almost all genres of video games, but a deep-rooted love for FPS and MMOs. I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember and enjoy them most of the time. I just want to help spread the news about games to as many people as will listen.

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