As a big fan of Rogue-lite (and Roguelike) games, Revita caught my eye the moment I first heard of the game. The game is fast-paced and uses a twin-stick shooting system as well as a good amount of platforming to keep you on your toes at all times, all while climbing up the game’s clock tower to reach the very top.

Revita is a Rogue-lite in the sense that you can permanently improve your chances of winning by buying upgrades at your base known as Memoria Station. The hub of the game will have more inhabitants moving in as you progress through the game, and some of them are easier to find than others. Each run gives you a certain amount of meta-currency which you can then spend at Memoria Station for all sorts of upgrades and unlocks.

It took me a while to get comfortable with the playstyle, as it is more fast-paced and chaotic than I’m used to in these types of games. Each run was a lot of fun though, and was a learning experience no matter how early on in a run I ended up dying. The aforementioned upgrades definitely helped improve my progress for each run, as did the skill I managed to build up as I kept playing. One of my favorite features in the game is the way that buying items and opening chests during a run works. You pay for each of these with your health, and health is a fairly rare resource. It’s a very interesting risk vs. reward system that constantly had me thinking “Is it going to be worth buying this?”

Another very interesting mechanic in the game is the curses. You can get curses by opening certain chests, and these curses can greatly affect your run. There’s a lot of variety when it comes to these curses, but I personally couldn’t keep my hands off of them. I simply wanted to know what they all did, even if that meant my untimely demise in a lot of runs.

The bosses that appear at the end of each floor were always a good way of testing my skill up until that point. The bosses are unique and charming, and none of them were ever particularly easy. Generally, I never found myself feeling overpowered in this game, even with some of the best items I’d seen.

Overall I can say that I’ve had a great experience playing Revita so far, and I have to give some praise to the developers for being incredibly transparent when it comes to the roadmap of planned content, as well as the updates that have been rolling out constantly to keep players hooked on the game. While the game is still in Early Access, you can already get a load of playtime out of Revita, so I highly recommend it for any fan of the genre.

An Early Access PC Preview key for Revita was provided by Benstar for this Preview.

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Aaron Schäfer

Hey there! I'm Aaron, 26 and from Germany. I mostly play games with a stronger emphasis on a good story, but occasionally can be found delving into a genre I'm not too accustomed to. Diversity and accessibility are important aspects in gaming for me as well, which are always important conversations to have for me personally.

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