Space, the sexiest frontier… Until FOX News gets a hold of it and the idea of sex in games, only to ultimately curb stomp the gays out of existence, again. There just isn’t enough space-RPGs the same as we have with high-fantasy RPGs. This is none more evident than the Mass Effect series. Honestly, Eve Online scares me, The Outer Worlds gets there for a moment, Destiny could jump in a ditch to set its self on fire and I wouldn’t have a flicker of emotion, and System Shock 2 was released in 1999. However, time catches up with us all, and the earlier releases of the Mass Effect series are getting on a bit with dated graphics and a character creation suite that is dreadful.

Luckily it was announced back in November by Casey Hudson (who recently left) as part of the now mandatory “N7 Day,” that the rumored remaster of the first three games would be indeed coming. Off the bat questions arise, such as Mike’s: “With the trilogy already in my Origin account,” why bother with the Legendary Edition? Yes, I understand that sentiment for those that might already own the games and love them. Though I said in my article that his was (of sorts) in response to, backwards-compatibility isn’t in the forefront of all console manufacturers minds. Yeah, PC has it great until your game runs in Abode Flash or MSDos and operating systems stop working for those games. Consoles don’t have that.

With that said Mass Effect: Legendary Edition was announced yesterday via a tweet. It will be releasing May 14th, 2021 on PS4 and Xbox One, with both versions being compatible with next-generation consoles. The tweet shared the same blog post from November last year by Hudson and a new video showing off the new graphics of the remaster. As noted by both the blog post and the video teaser, the remastered release will include all DLC for the games, all three games, and notable improvements. Most notably, there will be graphical upgrades to 4K, for all those that want a smaller HUD. It is also understood by Polygon that the game will improve both the environmental design and expand on the character creation suite. I just hope they fix those god awful vehicle sections.

As one of those that never really delved into the Mass Effect series properly, I can’t wait. I love a great big space adventure, even if the characters can be as stiff as Zeus’ rod in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I only hope the driving sections aren’t as annoying, as that is one of the reasons I completely stopped playing the first game. Though I am sure fans of the series are already jumping for joy at the announcement. One can only hope that for those on the Nintendo Switch, a port is announced sometime after, possibly with less focus on graphic uplift and more of a straight port-job.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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