What bothers me the most about this whole Prime Gaming business is the idea that someone doesn’t know. Yes, I’m still angry that we’ve had to switch from Twitch Prime, it would be like Epic changing the Epic Games Store to “Water Vapor” mid-afternoon on a Saturday. Yes, it has been blasted on Twitch with a little note where Twitch Prime used to sit, but some might not even look at that and take note. It is just linked so much with Twitch, that removing that name and adding in “Gaming” seems unnecessary.

Speaking of unnecessary, this week Roblox updated its tripe to include something that irrationally annoys me like no other. Yes, the “tropical coconut pauldrons” feature a little umbrella and a straw in a half coconut, suggesting it is in the style of a bowl to drink out of. Just do that, turn them upside down, cut a bit out, and you’ve got proper shoulder pads, which pauldrons are! This odd umbrella way, it looks like alcoholic drinks should be in them instead of them being worn as some kind of protection. You can pick up these awful ideas for one of the least appealing Polly Pocket-like designed games ever until the 12th of October.

Don’t worry, I’m annoyed about other things too. Big Farm: Mobile Harvest is still a Farmville-clone in all the horrible ways that could be cloned, and this week it is something to talk about for sure. This week, you’ve been able to pick up the premium dog treats. As usual we’re never told any details about this loot. I do know, however, that with this you get 25 treats. The problem is, I don’t know what they are used for in-game, and I don’t care to find out anytime soon. This offer ends on the 21st of September. Don’t worry, the premium currency is next.

Polka dot skivvies? You are having a bloody laugh, polka dot undercrackers and that is it? What is it next week for Last Day on Earth: Survival, half a sun-bleached nude picture with the genitals missing? It is the apocalypse, I care more about protecting my whole body than running about with my gentleman sausage falling out all the time. I don’t care about the novelty of running around in my skivvies, I want more than polka dot panties, either that or I’ll take a thong if I must. The underwear skin for Last Day on Earth: Survival will be gone on the 17th of September.

Ever wish you could bash heads with concrete? Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has been updated and has gone even more mysterious than before, mostly because I don’t know who enjoys tripe like this. For the 13th “loot drop” you can pick up two Amazon Prime chests and get hero and skin trial cards. In a time long forgotten now, we used to be told what hero you’d get, the skin, and other useless claptrap. Now it is all skins and useless tat, yeah the future of gaming is great again! This offer ends on the 22nd of September.

Speaking of skins and other useless contrite nonsense I’d rather never look at, next we’re on to League of Legends. I had someone explain to me why they liked League of Legends. They sat down and had patience with me, and I still don’t understand the point. Nevertheless, you can now pick up the first and the second skin shards of this month, with a total of three on offer. The third and final set is available from the 18th, and the three of those will probably be available for up to 10-days after that. So be quick, if you want useless cosmetics.

Minion Masters often shows up, and every time I see it I keep thinking it could be interesting if I was boring enough to enjoy the multiplayer strategy-brawler genre. Nonetheless, if you’ve been playing the free-to-play brawler and have a Prime account, you can pick up the Minion Masters: Zealous Inferno DLC. If I cared about deck-building that wasn’t Yu-Gi-Oh! and wanted overly designed characters, I could see this being worth the pickup. Offer ends November 8th.

Shall we point out EA’s shortcomings? I think we shall because I found it bloody hilarious to watch that EA Play Live show, mostly because it wasn’t live. However, it was EA trying to jump on itself to make more money out of teens with an arena/hero shooter. They were attempting to jump on Apex Legends‘ bandwagon, after the fall of Overwatch (to some), and offer cosmetics. When Rocket Arena launched, it was $29.99, and in less than three months it is now $4.99. I would say “oh how the mighty have fallen,” but less than 1,200 people have played it (on steam) at a time, and less than 400 played in the last month.

Since September the 2nd, less than 100 people have been playing a day. I’m not laughing at the studio that EA will probably shut down in the next 6-months to a year, I’m laughing at the prospect that someone thought this bland game might work. Though, EA will dig their heels in of course. You can now pick up Rocket Arena for PC if you have both Prime and an origin account. You’ll have to pick it up before October the 10th, when EA might as well make it free-to-play and maybe 336 people will play it for a day.

Onto the games, and before I get to the “FGWP” bit, I need to get to the SNK games. Yes, the final few games were added to the collection of 22 games including the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection. You can now pick up, alongside those previously announced: The Last Blade 2Metal Slug 3Samurai Shodown V SpecialThe King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited MatchThe King of Fighters 97 Global MatchThe King of Fighters ’98 Ultimate Match Final EditionShock Troopers, and Garou: Mark of the Wolves. You have until March 31st to pick up all 22 games.

The last thing to mention this week is something with a bit of a smaller window, but has been offered before and probably will be again, Q.U.B.E. 2. Yes, this week we’re having a bit of a “Look I’m portal without all the witty dialogue and very well done humor” sort of experience. If you’re looking for a puzzle game with puzzles that are fine, and an overall design best described as the boxes of the cereal Portal used to get up in the morning, you might like it. In all honesty, I’d rather go play Portal again. You can pick up Q.U.B.E. 2 from now until October the 9th.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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