Well, that was one eventful night of leaks, rumors, and an official reveal that came at midnight. Yet still we have no firm release date date. Last night as most website editors were going to bed, rumors and leaks begin to spill from every orifice of Xbox/Microsoft with more about this fabled Xbox Series S. A smaller and cheaper version of the Xbox Series X, the one we’ve known about for about a year and a half now. Well, it seems the shots are being fired across the bow of the SSS (“Steamship Sony”) PlayStation, as we crawl ever closer to the release date of these plastic boxes of hate and little improvement.

I’m getting sidetracked, my point is after months of this rumored version that is meant to be roughly the same generation jump but cheaper, it doesn’t seem all that impressive. Not to mention the penis stretching contest we’ve been in for the last several months, seeing which company will fall over sideways first. One of you has to reveal your console’s release price and date sooner or later. If other rumors are to be believed, we’re just over two months from the release of the Series X and the PS5 but neither have an official release date or price from either manufacturer. Two months!

This newly announced Series S is a question mark of architecture on its own. The announcement came with a single image (below) that states what it is meant to do. Up to 120FPS at 1440P, ray-tracing, “variable rate shading” which might as well be child burbling for all the sense that makes, variable refresh rate (why?), ultra-low latency, a custom 512 GB SSD, 4K media streaming playback, and 4K upscaling for gaming. I’ve asked around, no one knows what ray-tracing actually is; One person thought it was outlining the thing that killed Steve Irwin. More importantly, no one cares about that, rate shading, and variable refresh rates, aside from three tech nerds and a YouTuber.

Of course, this round of rumors and leaks has sparked the “console wars” off once again, and I’ll put an end to it here. Yes, if the rumors are true that the Xbox Series X will release on November 10th at $499 and Series S at $299, this does almost nothing to damage Sony’s PlayStation 5. The closest Microsft has come to beating out Sony has been the Xbox 360 which the Wii outsold. Unless people are willing to jump ship for Game Pass, this isn’t sinking the SSS PlayStation anytime soon. Get your hopes up and be a good little “fanboy” all day long, you’ll just be disappointed.

That said, the PS5’s design of a 1980’s “far-future (2020)” VCR covered in white paint isn’t all that appealing, even if it does come in cheaper. This extended period of two companies trying to wait as long as possible is a joke. I’ve yet to find someone that’s actually excited for the fabled next-generation. This is an entire mess, and I can’t wait for Xbox/Microsoft to start, as they say, “sharing more Soon,” as it will soon be over.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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