As seemingly every single article you will read over the next couple of weeks will state, we’re getting perilously close to the launch of the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Not only that, but E3 or it’s entire replacement simultaneously felt like it came, went, and yet still never started or ended. However, as the current pandemic continues despite some believing we’re in the clear; we’re still getting infrequent digital press conferences on a bi-weekly term. I wouldn’t mind that if they were good and featured something interesting, most don’t and are just a 2-hour long ad.

Yes, once again, we’re heading into the extremely fun act of dipping my head in a vat of coffee so I can watch the show several times, and report on the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly. September 10th will feature another Thursday show. It will be the second in the Ubisoft series of Ubisoft Forward. You may remember the last one, as it was marred with controversy for following the outing of sexism, harassment, and racism that we’ve mostly stopped talking about. This time it’s just the appropriation of a protest symbol and nepotism surrounding the company. They better hope they have something good up their sleeves for this one.

Though ahead of the showcase of what we’ve already seen and what is rumored to be renamed, you can pick up one of Ubisoft’s more bland titles. Given we’re talking about Ubisoft, bland is just about everything the company has going for itself, though we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Back in a time when Ubisoft would have journalists put out fluff pieces stating “we’re not political, we’re not trying to be political,” they released The Division. I don’t know about you, but if you’re looking for escapist entertainment you might not want to play a game where a plague-like illness spread and caused the population to become rockhard, store all the guns in the universe, and spit out numbers when they are shot.

The Division, for those of you who had the pleasure of never hearing about it or playing it, is one of those looter shooters set in the aftermath of a viral pandemic wiping out a percentage of the population. A blind man throwing darts couldn’t hit a more precise shot for a Rube Goldberg-style ineptitude machine. At least for two-minutes, look outside. At the very least it might have been a better option to give away one of the Assassin’s CreedsFar Crys, or Beyond Good and Evil since that’s getting a long-awaited sequel. Anything but a depressing looter-shooter with depressing people depressing us to numbness.

To claim 2016’s The Division, all you have to do is login into your UPlay account before Tuesday, September 8th Then on the 10th will be a showcase of everything Ubisoft has been working on, all aside from an apology for their horrible behavior.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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