There have been quite a few DC Comics story arcs in which Batman has been deceased or at least rendered out of commission in such a way that he was thought to be dead. It seems WB Games’ Montreal division plans to run with this idea in their next game, Gotham Knights, which was revealed this past Saturday during DC’s FanDome live stream event.
Within the context of Gotham Knights, four of Batman’s proteges are summoned to protect Gotham after the original Caped Crusader’s presumed demise. Namely, these four heroes are Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl, and Robin. Tim Drake has most likely assumed the mantle of the latter of this quartet, considering two of his predecessors are also present.
In the wake of Batman’s apparent death, the gameplay trailer for Gotham Knights outlines at least some portion of the game’s plot. In an effort to avoid spoiling anything, the primary thing I can tell you is that everything that has been revealed thus far about the game’s events will likely seem quite familiar to those of you who have finished (or especially 100% completed) Batman: Arkham Knight.
Although Warner Brothers Montreal is quick to mention that the gameplay present in the trailer is from a “pre-alpha” build of the game, I must say I don’t think that caveat prevents the gameplay footage shown from looking pretty darned impressive. Of course, there’s always the argument to be made that gameplay trailers and things like them aren’t necessarily representative of the final product. However, for what it’s worth, I think Gotham Knights has the potential to be an outstanding title if Warner Bros. Montreal keeps up what they seem to have been doing.
One of the two aspects of the gameplay trailer that really stood out to me is the idea that player characters and enemies alike have levels. The developer who narrated the trailer, Patrick Redding, made a point of explaining that “as the player increases in power and ability, their foes keep pace.” This can be seen throughout the trailer, both during the boss fight against Mr. Freeze and the battles against his goons which precede this ultimate confrontation.
The second aspect shown in the gameplay trailer that has me particularly excited is that, since there are four playable characters, Gotham Knights can be played either entirely solo or in two-player co-op. If the game turns out to be as enjoyable as this gameplay trailer made it look like it will be, I absolutely cannot wait to play through its campaign with one of my colleagues.
Although Gotham Knights reportedly won’t be out until sometime in 2021, you can rest assured that I’ll be keeping a close eye on its development insofar as that’s possible. Of course, I’ll report upon any new aspects of the game’s progress that will likely arise between now and then as soon as they come to light. In the meantime, if you’re interested in checking out the gameplay trailer I’ve been referencing throughout this article, you can do so below. I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on this upcoming title, so do feel free to sound off in this article’s comments if you’re so inclined!
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