Let’s be very honest: I thought I’d be writing this about David Cage before I said it about Kojima, I make enough jokes about it in the first place. The studio headed by weird and wonderful Hideo Kojima recently released their Norman Reedus walking simulator; to some, it is the second coming of Metal Gear Solid, but for others, it lands in the toilet bowl. One of the largest media talking points has been the two-hour cutscene out reaching Metal Gear Solid 4‘s hour and a half scene.

In a talk with the BBC, the Japanese developer and mad man himself talked Death Stranding. In the twenty-six minute documentary, the crew follows the final parts of development speaking with the team working on the game, with clips from other films they’ve made of those in the industry; from Hideo himself to the game’s composer, and people fixing bugs. In the interview with Hideo, he speaks about the game’s message and a whole lot more, specifically the broken world following the UK’s attempts to leave the EU, as well as the broken relationships following the US 2016 election.

Though you can’t talk about a Kojima game without talking about the cutscenes, which is what the crew did. Several hours of in-game cut scenes are the big focus, with footage of Hideo directing his vision of the game’s teaser and other things. To that, the comment is often that Kojima would be better off making a movie in that case, to which he floats the idea himself.

In the future, Kojima Productions will start making films,” he says, “if you can do one thing well, then you can do everything well.” He also states that gaming will gradually homogenize towards streaming as has TV and movies. To Hideo’s own words, he seems very excited about the way games are heading, and even suggesting that Google’s Stadia and Apple Arcade is just the beginning of that. “I think within the next few years, gaming will move on to streaming,” Kojima said, “movies, dramas, and games will all be streamed and you’ll enjoy them on your iPad or iPhone or a screen anytime, anywhere.”

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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