Death Stranding Is Free On Epic

Monday, I spoke about Eurovision and maybe something about Doctor Who specials getting their titles. Tuesday, mech warfare continues as Hawken Reborn returned to PC recently. Wednesday, the second wave of Game Pass was unveiled for May, To the Rescue made its way to the kingdom (or platform) for which Zelda has…

Death Stranding Movie Announced

We’re very familiar with post-apocalyptic stories at this point. For decades, the downfall of humanity or the United States has been a central tenant of countless sci-fi and fantasy movies, books, and TV shows. One of the most notable explorations of these…

The Games Awards 2019

Warning: The following video clips may contain strong language and scenes displaying of vulgar gestures. Well, that was about as depressing, boring, and useless as telling a climate change denier that the waters are rising while they clutch a bible. I’ve never actually…