This time last month I said, “I’m a big fan of the Amazon Prime subscription,” followed by “but also Twitch Prime […] while also providing all the ‘Twitch Loot’ that has been going out for almost a year now.”. I still stand by the point that there is some value to Amazon (and Twitch) Prime. However, I can’t deny the games have dropped from at least one huge game such as the first Devil May Cry in the Devil May Cry HD release last year, Pillars of Eternity, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shotgun, or both Orwell games, SteamWorld Dig games, or Hotline Miami games. At least until December last year, I was excited to find out what will be joining my catalog of games: This month I can’t get enthused about them as much.

With that said, Twitch Prime still offers a full 12 month Nintendo Switch Online subscription free with your accounts linked until September 24th this year. This is where the most value comes this month, as not only get the NES classics and can play online for free with your Prime subscription.

If you are a fan of World of Tanks you may enjoy the “World of Tanks: Care Package Delta.”. This will include the Elite Amethyst skin, lacing your tank in the signature Twitch purple, a 14-day trial of two premium tanks, three inscriptions to decorate your tanks with, and 10 missions with an 5x experience boost. With several other details include some repair kits, first aid kits and such that you would otherwise have to purchase through micro-transactions.

If you are a Magic the Gathering Arena fan you can get 60 cards from the Boros Legion deck, including 5 rare and 1 mythical rare card. This offer lasts until June 25th.

The Smite: Gladiator Bundle includes Thor as a playable character, you will also receive his Gladiator skin, and other content such as exclusive loading screens, theme music, and announcer pack. You will also receive an exclusive skin for Paladins: Pyre Warrior Drogoz.

In other free-to-play games news, lies the Path of Exile: Purple Cosmetic Bundle. One would have to assume this would be a collection of cosmetics emblazoned in Twitch colors. With the bundle, you will receive a purple Divine Sign, purple skull and lavender weapon effect, all included with Twitch Prime.

If you are a League of Legends fan you only have until the 14th to pick up the “League of Legends: Summoner’s Crown Capsule.” With this capsule, you will get a random skin, Ward skin, and Summoner icon with your Twitch Prime subscription.

For StarCraft 2 fans you will want to pick up the Swann: Machined Bundle, available until May 22nd. With this bundle, you receive the Swann commander and announcer, machined Terran console skin, and the “Live now” Terran banner, emoticon, and spray packs.

There are also several bundles that will run out soon, such as the Warface: Male Nanosuits Bundle, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Customization Bundle. All of which I covered in the last article on Twitch Prime loot, I dare not repeat myself further, so if you would like to know what this content includes check out the previous article here.

Then we have the games, which I’ve already stated I am not too excited for myself this month. First, we have The Little Acre, an adventure game released back in 2016 by Curve Digital on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Next is, Whispering Willows, an indie horror adventure by Night Light Interactive. Another Curve Digital game: Stealth Bastard Deluxe is the third game in the collection this month. Finally, the last game of the collection is actually two: Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (or Majesty Gold HD Edition) by Cyberlore Studios, and Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim by Paradox Interactive.

One has to assume, with the dip in larger and newer games to excite you or I, Amazon and Twitch are gearing up to do as they did last year. Last June, around E3 they gave away 22 games throughout the month only dropping a few at a time or one every couple of days. As a massive advocate for these types of deals Twitch Prime has done in the past, I hope they will return to games that excite those with a prime subscription and less, for lack of a better term, stocking fillers.

If any of the content covered in this article interests you, hurry on over to Twitch and pick up your Prime loot, or start your free trial now.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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