Soulstice (PC) – Preview

With the recent boom in Souls-like games, I had a good feeling that Soulstice would follow suit. It’s not just in the name, its first screenshots showed a bleak, drab setting. Color me surprised when I got my hands on it and found that…

In Sound Mind Is Free On Epic

Monday, the early access release for the only multiplayer game I’m interested in was revealed. Wednesday, the only thing missing from the reveal of Coromon‘s release is the accent (ó) over the second O to be a Pokémon knock-off entirely, and Wobbledogs release, looking like a…

Cris Tales Is Free On Epic

Monday, I was excited about 2K22‘s GM mode, more Dragon Ball games were shown off, and yet another simulator was released in early access. Tuesday, an indie platformer got a release date, and Skull & Bones is apparently going “very well.” Wednesday, issues caused an asymmetrical horror multiplayer game to hold off…

Rustler (PS4) Review

For the past three console generations, the open-world genre of video games has been heavily influenced by earlier Grand Theft Auto titles such as Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas. At the core of that franchise’s roots is a top-down, pedal-to-the-metal…