bioware fails employees anthem

Why are the Bioware Reports Surprising?

I’m saddened to hear about the terrible working environments over at Bioware, especially during the production of their last two games. Is anyone surprised? If there’s one thing most studios in the entertainment industry have in common, it is the overworking of…

The Division 2 is Here to Save Us All

Dynamic resolutions, an exciting world, and all the comfort of a political wasteland turned war zone; We need The Division 2 now more than ever. I will be fully transparent: My hope for The Division 2 is all based on footage, gameplay previews, and…

Is the Traditional E3 Conference Dead?

E3 used to be the hottest week in gaming and in a lot of ways, it still is. The problem is that more and more developers are opting out of conference presentations. EA announced recently that they’d stop giving traditional conference presentations,…