Bioware Reportedly Rebooting Anthem

To say BioWare’s multiplayer online shooter Anthem had a bit of a rocky start would be quite an understatement. Mostly because the game never really got all that better; especially with continued technical and development issues from day one. One would think…

Anthem Out Now on Origin Access

Anthem is a troubled game that for the most part has been scrutinized by the majority of the gaming community. Since launch, Anthem has been criticized for its poor story, lack of loot, and holding much of its content for the endgame. While…
bioware fails employees anthem

Why are the Bioware Reports Surprising?

I’m saddened to hear about the terrible working environments over at Bioware, especially during the production of their last two games. Is anyone surprised? If there’s one thing most studios in the entertainment industry have in common, it is the overworking of…