All eyes are on Grand Theft Auto 6, including for the team at Rockstar Games. That’s why it was surprising to see a patch notes update come through the news wire for Red Dead Redemption 2, a game launched in 2018. While the online game mode never took off like its car-jacking compadre, Red Dead Online is still active, and a batch of new fixes will hopefully address a few bugs that have plagued the game mode for some time now. Here’s what we know!

The patch, which is detailed in full on the Rockstar Games website, seemingly came out of nowhere. While it doesn’t bring us the 60FPS experience a lot of fans have been waiting for the latest generation of consoles, it does address one key issue online players have faced for a while now. When entering the stables, Red Dead Online players have been getting stuck and frozen in the animation connected to grabbing their favorite horse. That glitch has now been removed.

Other issues, including players being unable to summon horses and wagons, have been addressed as well. The full game, which includes the story mode and online mode, is regularly going on sale on the PSN and Xbox digital stores for around $25. As far as I know, Red Dead Online is relatively active to this day, so I’m sure these patches are appreciated by active members of the RDO community. Steam Charts has the game at around 3,000 active players as of late with a peak in December 2020 above 18,000.

While it’s not the major success GTA Online is, Red Dead Redemption 2 certainly stands out as a major release in the last generation of consoles. Let us know if you ever checked out Red Dead Online or plan to do so with this latest batch of fixes.

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