One of the hottest animated shows in recent memory is Invincible. With a massively impactful first season in 2021, the painstaking wait for season two concluded as episodes began to premiere in November of 2023. After four offerings blossomed with character development and nail-biting action scenes, the season took a break at the end of November. At long last, the release date for the remainder of season two has been announced, and part two of season two is set to begin debuting new episodes on March 14th, with the season concluding on April 4th.

To say that Invincible left its midway point of season two with a cliffhanger is hardly an understatement. For those who have read the comics, the adaptation didn’t come with surprises; instead, prior Invincible readers were more hyped up to see certain moments on screen.

In the case of the uninitiated, though, the climaxes and plot twists up to this point have been equal parts catastrophic as they are monumental. Previously shunned characters are now deep into their redemption arc, whereas grieving characters trying to navigate their emotions lead to a boiling point and such strife that it feels like the story could go anywhere from the point it left off.

The Invincible franchise is positively surging at this point, specifically in the gaming sphere. With its own PC game and Omni-Man appearing in the new Mortal Kombat 1 as a downloadable kombatant, it’s certainly one of Amazon Prime Video’s biggest cash cows. That will benefit the streaming service as it this week began rolling out a $2.99 plan to remove ads, as every service from Hulu to Peacock is including advertisements in an effort to normalize the monetization. Nevertheless, if I have to sit through some ads to watch one of the best shows as it reaches a massive turning point, so be it.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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