November 28th marked the launch of Destiny 2‘s newest expansion “Season of the Wish.” To celebrate the launch, Bungie also announced new details regarding the highly anticipated next expansion “The Final Shape,” which promises big story moments for players. “Season of the Wish” continues to build up the storyline for “The Final Shape.” The press release on the expansion launch states: “[F]ollowing the discovery of a hidden Ahamkara egg which will be used to bargain with the wish dragon, Riven. Queen Mara Sov hopes to use this to her advantage, creating a final pathway into the Traveler to confront the Witness.”

In addition to weekly story missions, this season features a new dungeon. The Warlord’s Ruin dungeon releases December 1st with enhanced online functionality, and the addition of the Fireteam Finder feature releases November 30th. Fireteam Finder will be released with the goal of making it easier to link up with others for raids, dungeons, Crucible matches, and strikes. Additionally,  the Citadel map for the Crucible will be returning this season. Players can also expect the return of the winter seasonal event “The Dawning,” which will begin on December 12th and feature festive in-game activities such as baking treats to hand out to key characters.

Furthermore, “Season of the Wish features a new collaboration between Bungie and CD Projekt Red. Players can obtain armor ornaments styled after Geralt from The Witcher series. Each class will also have the option to unlock a special emote, finisher animation, Ghost, and a new spaceship.


During the second half of this expansion’s lifecycle, Bungie announced that there will also be a two-month content update that will prepare players for what’s coming in “The Final Shape.” This update is titled “Into the Light and will be free for all players. More details will be revealed surrounding this update within the coming months. Finally, this week’s news concluded with the announcement of a June 4th, 2024 release date for The Final Shape expansion. To learn more check out the official website here.

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Edward Harding

I've been playing games since I was a little kid. I have a soft spot for Nintendo titles and RPG's but play all kinds of titles across a variety of platforms. Outside of games I love to play music and practice martial arts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

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