Monday, Day of the Devs was banger after banger, Devolver wasted 12-13 minutes of everyone’s time, the Wholesome Direct was wholesome, and Fortnite did a Fortnite. Tuesday, Xbox had something (but nothing amazing), Starfield is Fallout 4 in space, Ubisoft thought James Cameron was someone I want to hear from, and Capcom showed off a fighting game and a legal drama. Wednesday, the PC Gaming Show is much better when you don’t have Sean Plott, too bad that wasn’t my experience, Tekken 8 is getting a closed beta, and the latest Pokémon expansion was released like it was 1998. I also wrote an editorial on the demos available over the next few days.
Moving on to the Epic Games Store and this week’s great free games, Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition and Guacamelee! 2. These are the popular Mexican-influenced side-scrolling 2D Metroidvanias from Canadian studio, DrinkBox Studios. If you’ve somehow never gotten into at least the first release in the series, you’ve got about 20 hours of fun Lucha and Mexican folklore-heavy action ahead. Those already in the know but haven’t gotten to the 2018 release have an excellent single-player and co-op action title ahead.
All this week you can pick up both Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition and Guacamelee! 2 on the Epic Games Store until the morning of the 22nd. Next week I’m going to be taking a break of sorts. Next week we can look forward to the repeat of theHunter: Call of the Wild and the Wulfgar’s Legends of Renown Pack for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. According to no one but insufferable boring people, the Wulfgar’s Legends of Renown Pack is valued at $100. Wow, I can’t wait to be bored to death writing about that.
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