Monday, I was surprised when the Ken Doll spoke about Final Fantasy’s rebirth, but it happened. Tuesday, Mimimi’s Pirate-em-Up is getting a demo soon. For all I know my little moo-cow sculpture could be the DLC character coming to Them’s Fightin’ Herds, and Advanced Wars-like Athena Crisis was announced. Wednesday, Pikmin 4 is getting a character creation tool for what are effective blobs of color and a questionable face. Thursday, some Die Hard/Christmas DLC was revealed for Postman Pat ’em up, Lake, and Croc is getting a remaster.

Late on Monday, I was thinking about picking up Payday 2 on PC. Moving on to the Epic Games Store and what is free this week, Payday 2. Part of me was silently hoping for collections to be included, something to bundle some of the more interesting heists alongside the base game’s missions. The truth is, despite AI acting like Dom and the gang in Furious 7, I still love Overkill/Starbreeze’s explosive (though often repetitive) heist game. If you find multiplayer with people contemptible, Payday 2‘s focus and aggressive DLC-based monetization might be an off-putting point. Though it is chaotic fun nonetheless, made more so with the bundled-in VR mode to boot.

All this week you can pick up Payday 2 on the Epic Games Store until the morning of the 15th of June. Moving on to next week, I’ve already had my fill of tacos before writing this one up. 2013’s luchador-themed action Metroidvania Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition will be free, but so will its 2018 sequel, Guacamelee! 2. With these two games from the Canadian studio Drinkbox Studios (behind 2022’s Nobody Saves the World) you are in for an adventure of color and fun action.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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