I’m a big fan of the Evil Dead horror movie franchise. It blends absurdism, horror, and comedy seamlessly to create a truly unique experience. The over-the-top nature of the whole franchise lends itself very well to a game adaptation.

If you’re looking to satisfy your monster-killing impulses, you can head over to Steam next month to play Evil Dead: The Game on April 26th. Previously the game was only available on consoles and exclusively on PC through the Epic Games store. Based on the legendary horror franchise, this Game of the Year edition comes complete with the previous six DLC packs and the upcoming “Who’s Your Daddy expansion.

Themed around the popular Starz TV series Ash V.S Evil Dead, this new expansion Includes a new playable character Brock Williams. It also includes a new demon dubbed Schemer for you to face off against with friends in PVP or PVE multiplayer. Brock is the main hero Ash’s father and his character stat wise seems pretty strong.

He’s immune to knockbacks and has scaling support auras that grow more powerful depending on how many members of the Williams family are a part of your team. Additionally, this DLC comes with some new cosmetics with new skins for Ash, Amanda, and Pablo.

The game looks to be quite similar to the popular Dead by Daylight, but with the unique dark comedy and tone of the Evil Dead films thrown into a multiplayer arena survival game. You form a team of 4 survivors against one demon who seeks to devour souls through the power of possession.

If you find yourself without friends, the game also offers single-player missions for you to immerse yourself in. It features full crossplay between PC and consoles as well as a new “Splatter Royale” mode that allows 40 players to compete against one another. Be sure to check this out if you like the survival genre.

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Edward Harding

I've been playing games since I was a little kid. I have a soft spot for Nintendo titles and RPG's but play all kinds of titles across a variety of platforms. Outside of games I love to play music and practice martial arts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

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