Of all the Asymmetrical Horror games that I have played so far, none have enamored me as much as Video Horror Society has. It may not have the licensed characters of Dead by Daylight, the quirky physics of Propnight, or the name recognition like Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. However, it has gameplay that keeps me enticed for the majority of the time.

During the over 300 hours of playtime that I have in the game, I have tested out and seen other players use every single Teen weapon that the game offers in Video Horror Society. With all of this experience, I thought it would be about time to rank every single weapon in the game from least effective to most effective. Let’s dive in!

12: Enigma

While it is one of the cooler-looking weapons within the game, the Enigma is the worst weapon in the game. The reason for this is due to the way that the weapon charges, which is by being within proximity of the killer. While it can certainly be used as a simple radar system for pinpointing where exactly the monster is, it typically is not charged quickly enough to be effective against a monster. It makes up the charging risk by having a longer range than most weapons, but the noise that the charging causes makes this range somewhat useless.

11: Radiant Cross

This is one of the basic weapons that I tended to lean on, I quickly left the radiant cross behind once I began getting used to the other weapons. Out of the four starting stigma weapons, it is the weakest in terms of range and how long it takes to damage or stun a monster. While the conical beam from it is quite nice, it is not worth it when compared to the flamethrower that has more ammo, a longer range, and a reduced amount of time for it to be effective against a monster.

10: Cursed Sword

At first glance, the Cursed Sword seems like a weapon that is solely made for last stands when a monster gets a little too close for comfort. However, that is a major misconception as you need a decent amount of space to make this weapon work for you.

The Cursed Sword requires you to have the monster in a Goldilocks zone where it is too far away to hit you, but just close enough that it can’t avoid the lines of damage that emanate from it. While it is certainly in competition with the Infernal Eye for most practical in some situations, I have often found myself using this weapon to deter a monster rather than damaging it.

9: Solar Flare

Speaking of weapons that are good for deterring monsters, the Solar Flare is exactly that! It boasts a long range that gives players an impressive amount of cover for healing or simply putting up a roadblock for the monster. However, it can often be a weapon that monsters don’t fall for and instead drain so that it eventually becomes useless.

There have been odd situations that have come up where I can surprise a monster with the Solar Flare, but that often requires the monster not being aware of me or being distracted by a teammate. The only other significant use for this beyond a roadblock is to destroy the shield that W.A.R.T. puts up or any dolls that the Dollmaster will lob at you.

8: Flame Thrower

Remaining with the Burn Stigma weapons, the Flame Thrower is the second most powerful starting weapon in the game and seems to be a favorite of most players. This weapon certainly has a lot going for it as it is in the middle of the pack stat-wise. However, this is also the weapon that I see the monster getting out of quite a bit.

This is due to the fact that the weapon requires continuous contact and the monster being aware of your position in most situations to maintain line-of-sight. Its main advantage is having the lowest minimum lethal charge for any of the starter weapons and the second lowest of all weapons.

7: RC Flyer

While the RC Flyer may be rather difficult to master at first, it is one of the most robust weapons in the entire game. This is primarily due to the fact that it has such a long range that you could easily hit a monster with it from at least halfway across the map. The one thing that can make and break this weapon is how cohesive your team is. If they are willing to guard your body or ping the location of the monster for you, then using this weapon will be a cakewalk. However, this weapon is often impractical in a 1v1 situation and can prove to be useless if the monster knows where you are.

6: Sacred Staff

Do you like being healed and having a powerful weapon? Look no further than the Sacred Staff. While this weapon does take a bit of time to charge after crafting, it does have the Beam attack type that gives the weapon a kind of auto lock as long as the monster is close enough to your reticule. This weapon also has the added benefit of being the only weapon that can increase the health state of any Teens with the Broken status effect. The one thing that hinders it is that the ammo for it is rather limited, meaning that a dodge or two from a monster can make this weapon relatively useless.

5: Infernal Eye

Similar to the RC Flyer, the Infernal Eye is a weapon that requires pinpoint accuracy and defense of your body in order to deploy it properly. However, the one thing that this weapon has going for it is that it is an instant kill on contact with the monster. This makes it a weapon that monsters are often more scared of than others. It will typically make them break off their attack and retreat to a different part of the map to avoid it. The Infernal Eye is slightly faster than the monsters, so you should have them as long as they don’t turn around too quickly once they hear this weapon approaching.

4: Shock Sphere

Another weapon that is an instant kill once it hits a monster, the Shock Sphere takes the range advantages of the Infernal Eye and RC Flyer while changing the risk to the Teen’s body. The way it changes this risk is by essentially using the Teen’s body as the weapon as the character model is dragged along within the Shock Sphere.

The difference that this weapon also has compared to the RC Flyer and Infernal Eye is that it needs to be charged at preset power stations throughout the map. These charging stations can prove to be problematic for the Teen wielding the Shock Sphere. This usually is only a problem if the Teen fumbles a charge check.

3: Fire Bomb

Need a weapon as quickly as possible that is ready to go? Look no further than the Fire Bomb! Probably the most used Burn Stigma weapon, the Fire Bomb is able to scare monsters with its pre-throw sound, can become a roadblock once thrown, and can even dislodge entrenched monsters when they are in a tight corridor. The only disadvantage with this weapon is that it is a one-time use, but this can be fixed in a variety of ways.

2: Raygun

The Raygun is probably one of the top three most used weapons throughout the entire Beta period of Video Horror Society. It is a starter weapon that has a range that is only rivaled by the Holy Slingshot. While it can be quite frustrating at times to use since it requires 9 consecutive shots to damage the monster, it is probably the most reliable weapon in the Shock Stigma category and certainly one of the most reliable amongst all weapons.

1: Holy Slingshot

When I first started playing the game, I disliked the Holy Slingshot. It seemed like one of those weapons that were just there to fill a slot. However, I have learned to love this simple-looking weapon! While its ammo is severely limited, it has a great ability to surprise monsters and can uniquely stick to monsters too.

This unique ability allows the monster to be doomed unless it hits a Teen. The Area of Effect that it has is also great enough that there is only a narrow avenue of escape for the monster. It is also one of the only weapons that can counter the stun abilities that the Werewolf and Deathwire possess.

There you have it! Those are all the weapons ranked from least to most effective from my experience playing Video Horror Society. What did you think about the list? Which weapons in Video Horror Society are your favorites? If you have never played Video Horror Society and would like to check it out, click the link here! If you are looking for more Horror game goodness, then check out Keiran McEwen’s review of Dredge right here!

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Matthew Lomas

Hello there! My name is Matt Lee and I am a writer for Phenixx Gaming! I am also a writer, editor, director, actor, and graphic designer for my personal website (theredbrain.com), YouTube Channel (The Red Brain), and my RedBubble Store (MattsMaterials)!

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