In a heavy anime season, the one I looked forward to the most every week was Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack. The long-awaited second season of the polarizing anime had a lot of ground to cover as the manga is 15+ volumes deep at this point and Nagatoro has a long way to go before her and Senpai are an item after how things were left at the end of season one. So, with 2nd Attack now wrapped up, is it worth seeing how this relationship develops?

With how its first season ended, Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack has some catching up to do if the titular protagonist is going to manage some kind of relationship with the subject of her teasing, Naoto Hachiouji, whom she only refers to as “Senpai”. Where season one had a lot of unnecessary bullying and pushing things over the edge to make Senpai uncomfortable, that’s been eased up in this second season. There is still tons of nudging and prodding, but it’s all in good fun and Senpai is savvier to Nagatoro’s personality this time around.

It’s more than obvious that Nagatoro is crushing hard on Senpai in Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack, but she would never willingly give up that information. Instead, Senpai slowly but surely works up more confidence as the season progresses. This escalates to the point where he’s able to properly ask Nagatoro on a date, wear contacts, and defend Nagatoro on more than one occasion.

From being a shut-in at the series’ debut to this, it’s a pleasure watching Senpai overcome any social anxiety he had and flourish. Of course, the inevitable result is Nagatoro replicating adoration in small-but-sweet hints to Senpai.

Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack is a laugh-a-minute romp that was consistent all the way to its conclusion. Whether it was at the expense of Senpai’s inability to take a hint, Nagatoro’s incessant teasing, or someone glimpsing Nagatoro’s true feelings, it’s a riot watching this odd-couple dynamic play out. This also still left room for romance as each episode had at least a few moments where the two would blush or endear themselves to the other.

Aside from Nagatoro and her gang of friends poking fun at Senpai’s virginity in Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack, her friends support the ship and also make great acquaintances with Senpai as well. Naoto’s past with the leader of the art club and her cousin who joins Senpai in the 2-person club this year also brings out the subtle jealousy that Nagatoro struggles to hide, providing depth and another dynamic that keeps viewers on their toes.

Amidst the chaotic protagonist and timid Senpai, Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack provides a lot more laughs and some heartwarming moments that I looked forward to every Saturday this year. It wrapped up nicely and I already can’t wait for season 3 of this long-standing modern romance, complete with its debauchery and lewdness to boot. Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack is more than worth the watch.

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Don't Toy with me, Miss Nagatoro - 2nd Attack





  • Bonkers Hilarious
  • Huge Character Development
  • Less Bullying


  • A Little Too Pervy

Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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