Folks, I’ve written an article like this at least once a year every year without fail since Phenixx Gaming was founded. To be brutally honest with you, it’s starting to get a bit old. Thankfully, it seems Valve has telepathically caught wind of my plight and decided to make this aspect of my job significantly easier for the time being. Granted, that’s probably not what they were trying to do when they announced their planned dates for every Steam sale and event through the first half of this year, but I’ll definitely take it.

Valve didn’t do this alone, of course. The primary reason I can reasonably confidently report on every sale and event on Steam through mid-July is, once again, thanks to the wizards who operate Steam Database doing the vast majority of the heavy lifting. You see, Valve apparently recently made some changes to how often game developers are allowed to run discounts on the Steam versions of their games. That prompted them to publish a schedule of each sale, regional event, and other similar scenarios through the third week of July.

As far as I can tell, you can’t actually see that published list of events unless you have a Steamworks account, which I do not. That’s precisely where SteamDB comes in, though, so we still have leaked data as to when each listed event will probably begin and conclude. Let’s briefly run through the list of every relevant leak of which SteamDB is currently aware. Hopefully, these changes will mean I’ll only have to write one more article like this for the rest of 2022, but only time will tell on that front.

First up, we have leaked dates for a Steam Next Fest later in February. More specifically, this week-long game showcase extravaganza will reportedly run from Monday, February 21st through February 28th. Likely just a few hours after Next Fest concludes, a sale focused around games that have Steam’s fantastic Remote Play Together feature is slated to begin. This sale will last from sometime on February 28th through March 7th.

A week after 2022’s Remote Play Together Sale expires, there will reportedly be a JRPG sale. This event will bear down upon us from approximately 10 am Pacific time on Monday, March 14th, and will come to a close exactly one week later. Following the end of this JRPG sale, on March 28th, something called “SimFest – Hobby Edition” will commence. Based on this information, my best guess is that this is a short-lived event that will focus on games that fall within the Simulator genre. This event will remain active until Monday, April 4th.

The hobby-centered event is all that SteamDB knows of for April. That brings us into May, when what SteamDB calls the “Die-A-Lot Sale” will take place. I’d imagine that every “Souls-like” game under the Sun will be discounted during this event, as well as several other relevant games I can think of. I’ll be keeping an eye on this one when the time comes just to see what it may have to offer. The so-called “Die-A-Lot” sale will be active for one week, from May 2nd through May 9th.

I get the feeling  Keiran will be happy about the next item on this list. From May 23rd through May 30th, there will be a sale that focuses on racing games. This Racing Sale takes us through the end of May and into June, which can only mean one thing: it’s time for the big one. Yes indeed, 2022’s Steam Summer Sale will reportedly do its best to bleed our collective wallets dry from the morning of Thursday, June 23rd through Thursday, July 7th.

After the Summer Sale ends, we have the last item on our list for now. Namely, during the week of July 18th through July 25th, Steam will hold another genre-specific sale. This one will focus the spotlight on games that classify themselves as members of the Survival genre. That just about wraps things up here, folks! Of course, if any more significant sales and/or Next Fests have their dates leaked between now and the end of July, I’ll do my best to report upon them as well!

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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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