I’ll admit, on most days of the week I’ve had my fill of all things politics. Between the 24/7 news cycle, Twitter, and whatever else pops up as I’m surfing the web, I’d rather have my face busted with a pipe than hear political commentary. However, This is the President has intrigued me from the day it was announced. Now it seems that with its impending December 6th release, the developers at SuperPAC and THQ Nordic are providing a new trailer to whet people’s appetites.

This is what the press release has to say about the trailer: “How does the President of the United States escape a dropping approval rating? It’s impossible. How does the President escape justice? A simple change to the Constitution. Just don’t let your actual Presidential duties get in the way!

In this latest trailer, the story-driven, satirical thriller This Is the President confronts players with many of the crisis – er “challenges” – the President of the United States faces. Managing the border? Climate policy? Regulating tech giants? Nuclear disarmament? Riots in major cities? Teaching the Chinese government a thing or two about censorship?

Every executive order you can dream up is at your disposal. Just make sure you remain at the helm until the 28th amendment to the Constitution is passed so you can gain complete immunity against persecution, long before you hand over the keys to the Oval Office to your successor.

Say what you will about any parallels to real life, but This is the President has a very unique hook. A political thriller where you play as the President of the United States just sounds fascinating. Between the simulation elements and the political thriller concept, I’m sold. This is the President will release on December 6th for PC via Steam.

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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