Well, folks, it’s that time of year again. The United States is gearing up to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and, of course, immediately following that is the biggest holiday shopping period of the year. I’ve seen that several retailers are attempting to get ahead of the curve this year by starting their Black Friday deals significantly earlier than normal. Among those companies stands Blizzard Entertainment, whose Black Friday sale offers up to 67% discounts on many of their games through November 29th, 2021. I’m here today to provide you with a rundown of what Blizzard has to offer during this sale, so let’s begin.
I’ve inadvertently made somewhat of a tradition of covering the deals which directly pertain to World of Warcraft first when I cover any of Blizzard’s noteworthy sale events. I say we keep that practice going in this article. To begin, all three editions of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands are discounted by between 43% and 50%. The base edition of the expansion will cost you $19.99 USD, while the Heroic and Epic editions will set you back $29.99 and $44.99 USD, respectively.
I shall now quickly run through which edition of Shadowlands contains which additional goodies, in case you’re unaware or need a refresher. As you might expect, the base edition is only enough to grant you access to the new expansion’s content as well as the free “Wandering Ancient” mount that Blizzard has given to all owners of Shadowlands. The Heroic Edition will net you a level 50 character boost so that you can immediately jump into what Shadowlands has to offer.
The Heroic Edition will also give you an Epic-quality flying mount known as the Ensorcelled Everwyrm and a quest which, upon completion, will unlock a new set of transmogrification gear if you’re into that sort of thing. The Epic Edition contains all the bonuses I’ve mentioned thus far, plus a new battle pet. You’ll also get additional cosmetic effects for certain weapon types and for your character’s Hearthstone from the Epic Edition. Finally, this variation will add thirty days’ worth of game time to the account on which it was purchased or redeemed as a gift.
Moving on from retail World of Warcraft, there are a couple of deals on content pertaining to The Burning Crusade Classic as well. Firstly, the Dark Portal Pass is discounted by 30%, bringing its asking price down to $27.99 USD. The Dark Portal Pass is a single-use-per-account item that will boost a Burning Crusade Classic character to level 58, though it includes the caveat which dictates that this boost cannot be used on Draenei or Blood Elf characters.
The second deal on TBC Classic content is a discount on its so-called “Deluxe Edition.” Its price has also been reduced by 30%, which temporarily lowers its price tag to $48.99 USD. This edition includes the same level 58 character boost present in the Dark Portal Pass, in addition to the following: thirty days’ worth of game time, a ground mount for use within The Burning Crusade Classic, a different ground mount intended for retail WoW, a cosmetic “Path of Illidan” toy, and an equally cosmetic effect for your character’s Hearthstone.
That’s all we’ve got in terms of discounts that directly pertain to World of Warcraft. From this point forward, I’ll cover all the deals on Blizzard’s other applicable games in no particular order. First up, we have Diablo II: Resurrected, which will set you back $29.99 USD after its 25% discount. Next, both Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare are also $29.99 USD each, thanks to their 50% price reduction during this sale.
Overwatch has also had its price halved, for the time being, bringing its base edition down to $9.99 USD. If you already own the base edition of this title, you can upgrade to the Legendary Edition for $5. StarCraft II’s base campaign collection will run you $29.99 USD, while the Digital Deluxe Edition of this collection currently costs $39.99 USD. Additionally, the Nova Covert Ops Campaign has been discounted to $6.50 for the duration of Blizzard’s Black Friday sale.
The original StarCraft‘s asking price is currently $9.99 USD, or $17.98 if you want both the remastered base game and the version with custom elements designed by Carbot Animations. If you already own StarCraft Remastered but want the Carbot Animations pack to add to it, that’ll cost you $7.99 USD on its own. Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time has had its price reduced by 25%, which means it’ll set you back $29.99 USD.
Finally, going back to the Call of Duty franchise for a moment, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has had its price tag lowered to $19.79 USD. Additionally, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s remastered campaign will currently run you $14.99 USD. As far as I can tell, there don’t appear to be any deals on in-game content for either Hearthstone or Heroes of the Storm, nor is Warcraft III: Reforged discounted at all. There you have it, folks! If you’re so inclined, do feel free to sound off on Blizzard’s Black Friday sale event for this year in the comments below!
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