I love calm, quiet games. Games like Islanders, which is in fact a chill, calm, island-building game. I also enjoy Skateboarding games, even though I’m terrible at them. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that the co-creator of Islanders had created a small, chill, skateboarding game! The Ramp is available now on Steam, and blends chill music and gameplay with relaxing Skateboarding.

Paul Schnepf, (Aka Hyperparadise) the co-founder of Grizzly Games who made Islanders and Superflight, created The Ramp as his personal project. He calls the game a “Skateboarding Toy” and has no illusions about the fact that it is a small game. Schnepf commented on the release, stating “It’s always scary releasing your work into the world, but I’m super happy with how this one came out. It’s a small game, but I hope The Ramp can become your happy place!

Here is more about the game, according to the press release: “In The Ramp, players must focus their energy and go with the flow, listening to a chilled-out soundtrack as they roam free across four wildly different levels – from a simple halfpipe to a multi-story jump ramp. With nothing to unlock, kill or collect, The Ramp aims to capture the delight of skateboarding in its purest form. Enjoy tons of flow and dive into satisfying unique skateboarding gameplay that is easy to learn and hard to master.

After enjoying Islanders for well over 100 hours, I am convinced by Schnepf’s vision for low-key, chill games. It’s a great time for Skateboarding fans, with games like Skatebird coming soon and the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 remaster already available. However, some folks may wind up preferring a more chill experience like The Ramp. I know I’m certainly intrigued by it.

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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