Another year, another release for the historic FIFA franchise. EA finally gave us more info on the latest release in the FIFA series. With a release date set for October 1st on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC via Origin and Steam, along with Google Stadia, here’s what you need to know about the new game!
FIFA 22 will feature Paris Saint-Germain’s striker Kylian Mbappé on its cover. The game is the latest in a string of major releases and top-notch games for the illustrious football series. One big change this year is FIFA 22‘s use of the brand-new HyperMotion Technology. According to the press release for the game, the tech utilizes “advanced 11v11 Match Capture and proprietary machine learning technology to deliver the most realistic, fluid and responsive football experience.”
PES is a growing rival for EA’s football franchise, but it certainly isn’t overtaking the gaming world yet. Back in February, the game franchise crossed over 325 million copies of its games sold. That definitely dominates the gaming world’s hold on the sport, but it’s not set in stone. Recent team and player acquisition deals make PES a highly competitive series. Not to mention, gameplay in both games is just different enough to have a favorite if you’re a football fan.
Even with losses to PES in terms of licensing, FIFA 22 will feature over 17,000 players across over 700 teams in more than 90 stadiums. All of this stretches over 30 football leagues which will come with the latest iteration of the series. Competitions such as the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, and Premier League head the number of high-profile tourneys players can participate in online and with friends.
Let us know what you thought of the reveal of FIFA 22 in the comments!
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