Going by everything put out recently (and the general problems of the world), I’d been operating under the assumption that this was a given. However, it has finally been confirmed that E3, the yearly gaming convention that disappoints you because that game you really like didn’t get a trailer or release date, has been confirmed to go fully digital this year.

As we reported on the other day, there was a rumor surrounding the cost of the showcase for viewers. The rumor coming via VGC stated that there would be a premium side to the event. With the confirmation, we now have solid dates set, for which I will need three tons of coffee injected straight into my eyeballs. June 12th-15th will see a cavalcade of gaming showcases. Though there is little else announced when it comes to details.

Once you are on the E3 site this year, you are greeted with a big banner noting the change, with the tagline of “Online. Interactive. Worldwide. Game On.” This is rather simply followed by a learn more button, the dates, and a sign-up sheet to “Stay in the game.” It is a very boardroom PR/marketing set of mission statements set out for the event.

Of course, the learn more page is just more of the rather vague “This is what to expect from E3 this year,” regarding the “evolution” to the event. I.E. the four days of virtual events will be streamed, giving a straight shot of what we saw last year in a more condensed package. This comes along with a point to mention that you can watch wherever you are, pushing for hyper-engagement with the digital experience, setting out what is to come in the years following this event.

When you think about it, it is nothing much in the way of what will be coming, as we knew most of it anyway. Either through leaks or rumors, one thing from the VGC article was right. The three Es are now for the Electronic Entertainment Experience, not Expo. Though that change could just be for this year’s digital event. As confirmed in the quelling of rumors the other week and within the FAQs on the E3 site, “E3 will be completely free for all attendees and there will not be a paywall.”

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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