With My Hero Academia back in rotation and Falcon and the Winter Soldier keeping me hooked after Wandavision, I thought I was all hero’d out at this point. Then, I saw someone recommend Invincible on Twitter. Invincible is an adaptation of a comic penned by a familiar name: Robert Kirkman. A casual fan of The Walking Dead show, I figured I’d give it a spin after work before moving on to other entertainment.

What ensued was me glued to the screen for as much content as Invincible launched with, 3 episodes, before debuting the remaining episodes each Friday. I was instantly hooked. Previously familiar with The Boys, all I knew of Invincible was that it was relative in the sense that superheroes aren’t exactly upstanding, respectable people.

Main hero Omniman (voiced by J.K. Simmons) raises our teenage main character Mark, voiced by Stephen Yeun, who has just developed his powers by episode 1. Others to note are Mark Hamill, Clancy Brown, Sandra Oh, Jason Mantzoukas, and many more familiar voices that will assuredly catch your ear with stellar performances all around.

With the standard affair of high-school crush/bully drama, we see Omniman work in tandem with a superhero team, “The Guardians of the Globe”. While Invincible has worn its inspirations on its sleeves since it was a comic, it does so in a tasteful and well-executed manner. When the first episode’s credits rolled, I was taken aback by the show still having ten minutes of runtime left. Then, the final scene played out and left my mouth agape. This is where things started to get catastrophically interesting.

Where The Boys wasted no time in showing the viewer that the heroes weren’t really heroes, Invincible drops an entire atom bomb on the viewer at the ending of episode 1. What transpires is so rapid-fire and shocking that it’s going to live rent-free in my head for years to come. It succeeded in performing its duty as a cliffhanger and demanded the rest of my evening to watch the remaining two episodes with its hook.

With plenty of plot development in the latter two episodes, chock full of lovable characters, and a succinct representation of angst in the teenage cast, it’s a thrill ride that doesn’t slow until the last episode ends. It’s backed by the best voice cast I’ve seen assembled in ages. I recognized almost every name, and the ones I didn’t were performing several characters and being distinct in each of them. It’s an auditory pleasure as much as it is a looker.

It’s safe to say that in addition to the ongoing shows I mentioned in the first paragraph, I’m possibly most excited for Invincible. With just the right amount of grit and a premise that should be tired by this point, Invincible subverted my expectations and has me head over heels for the IP. With tons of arcs already established in the comicverse, this show could get several seasons if it fares well and it should with a cast as it has. I already can’t wait for Friday.

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  • Perfect Voice Cast
  • Believable, Charismatic Characters
  • Thrilling Visuals


  • Too Crass For Some

Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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