There are some really exciting fans gearing up for the end-of-April release of the New Pokémon Snap. If you were excited before, then you’ll really be happy to see some new gameplay elements in a fresh trailer. The best part of this game series is that it’s wildly relaxing and immersive. The new additions from the last entry on the Nintendo 64 should ensure the experience is even more addicting and modernized for new and returning players.

Features for the new game that stands out to me first and foremost are the changing time and weather dynamics. As you can see from the video above, there are plenty of things that will impact what Pokémon you can find at what time of the day. Interactions with the Pokémon also depend on how you choose to interact with your environment. It can differ every single trip you take in the game.

You’ll have access to more Pokémon the more you play, which certainly invites more and more time in-game. Likewise, the game will make you want to come back by offering alternative adventure routes and even giving you new chances to find rare Pokémon, as well as unique moments of the creatures interacting. It’s an experience I think many people might hesitate to want to try, but it’s a lot of fun. When the game launches on April 30th, you’ll have a chance to see it for yourself.

If you’re excited about the New Pokémon Snap game, then let us know in the comments! Or, drop your favorite Pokémon in the comments just because.

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