The Nintendo Switch is a strange little monster in the world of gaming, as Nintendo has always made their consoles in recent years. While everyone for the last five or so years has been obsessed with the Battle Royale and hero shooter genres, Nintendo has kept the Switch sparse with those. As a quick memory game, all I could name from those genres was Splatoon 2 (which has stopped being updated), SpellbreakFortniteOverwatch (with disastrous timing), and I think that is it. It is not the system that I’d jump to when thinking of the genre. Fortnite is the biggest of them all though, and it is getting a counterpoint to that.

EA’s Titanfall spin-off, Apex Legends, is easily one of the largest games in the oversaturated genre of hero shooter/Battle Royale-thing, and it surprised me to find it is not already on the Switch. However, according to several posts online, the game is set to come to the Switch early next month alongside the release of Season 8. The latest season is set to release on February the 2nd according to the Apex Legends/Titanfall blog Twitter account.

It appears that this same piece of information is spread throughout all versions of the YouTube reveal of Season 8. The above tweet notes that the Polish version also mentioned the Switch release to come alongside the new season and Twitter user @Biast12 verifying the same thing in the Danish version of the reveal too. However, Biast12 also notes with a later tweet that the post had been updated with the Switch information removed from it (along with other versions removing it also). There is speculation that it could be a case of the Switch port not being ready. If it wasn’t for other versions of the reveal for Season 8 featuring the same information, I’d have to agree, though they all did.

As the Apex Legends/Titanfall blog Twitter account recounts, the English version of the reveal never featured this information. This could just be a simple case of removing the information and then revealing it officially a day before launch, or it could be a case of the game simply not being ready yet and PR was never told to remove this prior to the reveal of Season 8. We don’t have to wait too long to find out if it will be on the Switch or not, as the aforementioned announcement did say it would release on February 2nd.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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