We all have our gaming habits. Mine are probably not the same as yours, but there are likely some similarities. One trend I see in a lot of people, regardless of what they play or the consoles they own, is a backlog. A backlog is simply the games you own that you haven’t played or finished yet. Some games we own aren’t worth a revisit, but more often than not, we haven’t even given them a chance. Here are a few tips for tackling a backlog resolution in 2021.

When it comes to a backlog, you might have more games than you know what to do with. Let’s start simple, five games you own are a great starting point. Pick five games you have that you haven’t played or gotten very far into and write them down. Next, start one! The best way to tackle a resolution of any kind is to get started and build momentum. For a lot of us, starting is the hard part. It feels like we might not ever achieve our goal. In reality, we can’t succeed if we don’t start.

Next, as you work through each game, make a further exercise out of it. Take time to write down your favorite parts and least favorite parts. Pick 10 takeaways and jot them down in a Notes app on your phone or on a computer. This way, you can start to find different elements that appeal to you most. This can really help you to develop a keen sense of what kind of gamer you are. This helps you find ways to maximize your time when gaming and better enjoy the hobby we all know and love.

Do you have some tips for those of us working through a massive backlog? Let us know in the comments!

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