For all the ads on videos and podcasts while procrastinating that tell you, “Now is the best time to start your business!” They are wrong. 2020 seems like the worst possible time to quit your day job, start a new business selling bras for Chinchillas, or trying to become that pop-star you always wanted to be as a kid. So, what has Christofer Sundberg, Co-creator of the Just Cause series and co-founder of Avalanche Studios, gone and done in 2020? Started a new business by founding a new studio. Why? Just Cause!

Jokes aside, Sundberg headed the series of blowing up more things than Twisty “the Balloon Animal” Clown. He saw the series through its four installments among other Avalanche projects. The new studio was revealed on Facebook with a lengthy statement. It was described as a “NEW SUPER STUDIO.”

Sundberg said of Liquid Swords, “I’ve taken a one year break from the games business and it was a very much needed break indeed. It has given me time to think about what I really want to create with a new studio.” He went on to state, “The games we create at Liquid Swords are focused on high action and giant spectacle. After living and breathing the Just Cause franchise from the day I started Avalanche Studios to the eventual sale of the company, I am excited to come back and create spectacular experiences for players to explore, share and enjoy.” Avalanche was sold in 2018 to Nordisk Film for $114-million following 15-years of independence.

He would continue with: “The ultimate goal of Liquid Swords is to bring back game development to where it should be: intensely creative and fun while at the same time bringing game development forward with a strong focus on building innovative action experiences rather than business plans and spreadsheets.” Capping off with, “That said, Liquid Swords is a business, not a playground for aimless ideas. Our swords are sharpened, our mission is set and we could not be more excited about what the future holds.”

The studio has yet to announce any location for developers or the studios’ headquarters. Despite this, the studios’ Facebook page does list them as being set up in Stockholm, in Sundberg’s home country of Sweden. The announcement notes that while the headquarters will provide the business side its space, studios and locations are yet to be announced for across the world. It is stated those announcements will come in 2021. It will be interesting where the studio will take explosive and action-packed games in the future.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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