It’s that week of the year that a lot of us look forward to quite a bit. E3 Week feels a little less exciting this year because, well, it’s not happening. The cancellation made sense given the outlook of COVID-19, and now as we enter the middle of June, it was certainly the right call. Some states in the U.S. are seeing rising numbers once again, which makes live, mass public events illogical and unsafe. If we go through a summer without E3, will we end up missing it? I’m actually not so sure.
Given the way that the industry is seemingly going to keep on releasing info this summer as is, what role does E3 have to play anymore? Sony and Nintendo already abandoned live presentations at the show. Not to mention, E3 planners said they wanted to make the event more influencer-friendly. In short, that means more money behind the event with a focus on targeting marketing sectors more than average gamers.
So, what are we really missing out on? IGN, one of our peers in the industry, is doing a Summer of Games, and we’ll keep up with announcements too. If all we end up losing is the pomp and circumstance of a major convention, that might not be a bad thing. I can count at least 15 reveals at E3 that disappointed me off the top of my head.
Maybe without the hype, these announcements will be more realistic, accurate, and meaningful. Then again, companies love putting their best foot forward. I think in the end we might see that E3 isn’t all that necessary. Sure, it’ll return next year, but we might not see it as necessary anymore, and that could give power back to developers and publishers instead of corporations, which is always a good thing.
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