Two staples in the swancore scene, Donovan Melero and Sergio Medina, have come together to release music as Nova Charisma, an eclectic, unique brand of post-hardcore. Donovan’s previous works include his work as drummer/lead vocalist of Hail the Sun, vocalist of Sianvar, and several features in the genre, whereas Sergio takes part as Stolas’ guitarist/backing vocalist, Royal Coda’s guitarist, and Sianvar’s guitarist, the two have had an immense attachment to like-minded music for the past decade.

To hear these two come together in Nova Charisma is completely natural and welcome. Exposition I, released in August of 2019, was a brief look into the collaborative effort of these two masterminds, and their three tracks at this point were enough to tide fans over until December’s release of Exposition II. With only six songs to their name, this is little more than an EP’s worth of music to the name of Nova Charisma. However, it has more than enough playtime to give a lasting impression on prospective fans to love them.

I look forward to Exposition III from the duo, as, at this point, we will have two handfuls of songs from this effort. The differences from Exposition I and II are not exactly astronomical, but the variation at play is enough to engross me to harbor excitement for a third rendition. Ample creativity is not only exemplified within the music, but the album artistry is provocative enough to enable the listener to peer into the act’s experimentation.

What is most compelling of this announcement is that the two are battling the troubles that the pandemic caused. They addressed this issue head-on and ensured their fans that the newest release would go off without a hitch. I can wholly appreciate this bout of confidence from Nova Charisma, as plenty of bands are keeling over to the ill-effects of this crisis. Nevertheless, the new music from this duo is paramount, and inevitable, with a release date impending within the next few weeks.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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