I’ve personally been off of Apex Legends for a while because I’ve had a lot of life stuff going on. However, I’ve finally swung back into the game with the new “The Old Ways” event. The event is themed after Bloodhound, the technological tracker character, who now has a section of the Worlds’ Edge map dedicated to them, among other things.

In the lead-up to the event, they got a nice little cinematic showcasing their past growing up in a hunter society that shuns using technology, which is somewhat understandable considering that their people were victims of the big ice explosion that happened in Worlds’ Edge. Tasked with hunting a reptilian dog creature known as a prowler, they wind up finding a worse creature and are forced to rely on a gun to protect themselves. After that, they come to embrace using technology alongside the old ways of their people.

Going into the game proper, you’ll notice a few new things that people have been wanting for a while. Guess what? Duos mode is finally a permanent addition to the game. What about solos? Well, the developers actually addressed that, citing that they’re unable to make a permanent solo experience for now due to the game being built around team composition and some characters being weak on their own. That is a pretty reasonable explanation from where i’m sitting.

Along with permanent duos mode, there is now a map rotation, finally allowing for some variety during play sessions. The Season 2 version of Kings Canyon and the current version of Worlds’ Edge are in the rotation, along with the Kings Canyon After Dark map that was used in a limited mode for the Grand Soiree. I actually missed that map when it was available and I finally played on it yesterday, so let me just say that it may as well be called Kings Canyon Hard Mode, because it’s really hard to see anyone. However, map rotation isn’t in effect for Ranked Mode, which is stuck on the normal Kings Canyon.

When Worlds’ Edge enters the rotation, you can head out to this little arena Bloodhound set up. There are three trials that you can start upon pressing a button, and when you do so, the prowlers from Bloodhound’s backstory appear to chomp on players. They may not have guns, but they are sturdy and will absolutely swarm the unprepared. Kill them all and a structure opens up to reveal higher-end loot. It’s a nice skill-based way to get some loot, though you of course have to be wary of other players trying to swoop in to take the loot for themselves.

There have also been some balancing changes for characters. The developers realized that people using Revenant’s death totem will get owned immediately if there’s a Caustic trap placed next to it, so all players using it revive with 50 HP. He can now also use Silence twice, which lasts longer and also takes down Gibraltar’s shield, making it way more useful. Lifeline has a new passive that allows her to loot extra items from rarer blue loot crates, because jeez, I guess she isn’t already good enough. Finally, Wraith portals placed outside of a circle are automatically destroyed, which stops people from cheesing wins by going in and out of portals as the circle closes and abusing the immunity.

Like recent past events, there is a prize track that doing certain challenges will earn points toward. There are also some exclusive skins to purchase from the game’s store, which also includes skins from the limited time “Legendary Hunt” event that ran as a a predecessor to the battle pass changes for Season 2. The Old Ways will be running until April 21st, though the map and game changes will be sticking around. If you’re looking for some extra gear, consider hopping into Apex Legends.

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Dari Bazile

Howdy, I'm Dari, an aspiring game developer and game journalist. I run a review focused joint called Indie Hell Zone that's mainly focused on indie games, but here I'm willing to be all over the place. Avatar is drawn by @ladysaytenn on Twitter!

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