With many places around the world requiring people to stay home unless absolutely necessary, people are using at-home entertainment more than ever. That includes Xbox Live.
While some are out of jobs, others are working from home, but numbers suggest many are taking extra time to game. Microsoft is reporting a number of spikes in players using Xbox Live, Xbox Game Pass, and other console-related features. If you have to be home to help save lives, then you might as well game, right?
The company sent a notification through its support platform, and many realized that recent lapses in performance are likely related to COVID-19. Take a Tuesday night, for example. I’m usually watching a little TV before i go to sleep. Alternately, I might play for like an hour, and then go to bed. Now, with no commute and more time at home, I usually play twice as much as I would normally. It’s hard to enjoy given how dreadful the world is right now, but any distraction helps.
Even Mixer, the game streaming platform Microsoft owns, is seeing increased use. That’s wild, considering how many people prefer Twitch. Microsoft is making changes to keep up with the increased traffic. Things like customized gamer pics, backgrounds and visuals for clubs are getting cut for the time being. High profile games like The Division 2 are seeing major slowdowns, and even recently went down all together a few nights ago.
There are still weeks ahead of shelter-in-place precautions for the United States and other parts of the world. There are a lot more important things than gaming right now, but it’s helpful to have an outlet to place aside anxieties or stress. There are a lot of us doing what we can from home to protect others, so be sure to stay home unless necessary. It could save someone’s life!
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