Towards the end of the year in the Epic Games Store articles, I covered a game I already owned through Twitch PrimeThe Messenger. If I could fit more links into that setup, I probably would. My point is, I liked it because it was doing what retro-game development should be, taking an old look and feel, then update it a little to make sure it is still fun. It’s a bit troublesome at times and made me swear a bit when I died, but I still admired it. Then again, I like Dark Souls the same way your hoarder neighbor likes hearing you have trouble in the bathroom, swearing as you’ve run out of toilet paper.

Nevertheless, the studio that brought us The Messenger is now bringing us a retro-inspired turn-based RPG called Sea of Stars, and I’m oddly intrigued. Keep in mind, I think of retro turn-based RPGs the same way teenagers think of their parents having their friends over on a Wednesday night before the cleaner comes on Thursdays. In fact, I wrote an article about turn-based tactics and how most of them in this retro-style mimic Pokémon too much; I’d be the last person you’d expect to be excited about Sea of Stars, nonetheless, here we are. It’s a mad world.

A press release from Sabotage Studio said that Sea of Stars is “a new turn-based RPG inspired by the 90s classics.” They continued with, “Telling the story of the Children of the Solstice, the game focuses on engaging combat and unrestrained exploration, featuring freedom of movement seldom seen in the genre.” Players will become acquainted with Valere and Zale, two magical characters set to become Solstice Warriors, using their powers to perform Eclipse Magic. No, all my previous positions on these things still stand, I don’t care too much for high fantasy RPGs, but I’ve also not had a stroke; thanks for asking.

At possibly the worst time, they have started a Kickstarter for this project. Sabotage Studio acknowledged this in the announcement email and press release. Luckily you don’t have to feel pressured to back right this minute, since by the time of writing, they have hit the $90,760 (USD) goal and gained a bit more on top of that. For all my displeasure of classic turn-based RPGs, I can’t wait for Sea of Stars, set for release on PC and consoles in 2022.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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