It was the 22nd and the convention was still going strong. The good news was that there was no other big event going on to cause traffic problems on the way. The bad news is that it was one of the few rare rainy days in Vegas and it rained super hard. Worse news was that we parked pretty far away, so we had to walk through all that nonsense. Whatever. We were drenched, but we got back in there.

Once again, we decided to hit up the merchandise. I did not get anything that day, because hey kids, if you have Amazon Prime, you really gotta keep track of when that renews. My sister scoured around the stands until she managed to finally find some Death Note charms. Hilariously, in spite of the long search, she immediately found copies of the same charms at the next stand over.

There was an aisle in the convention hall where local indie game developers exhibited games. We passed it by on the first day, but we finally checked it out. We checked out Blood Moon University, a monster dating simulator, and FX Unit Yuki, an action platformer that was developed for PC Engine and Dreamcast enthusiasts. Later on, we came back to check out Roji’s Room, an RPG Maker game inspired by the likes of Undertale and Earthbound. If you want some more in-depth impressions, I’ve written about it on my own site.

After that, we went to look at the gaming tournaments going on when we heard a huge ruckus going on. That’s right, it’s more wrestling. Wrestling is definitely more hype than watching nerds play Smash, which is something that I can do anywhere, so we went to watch that instead.

I forget how long we watched wrestling, but a lot went on. One match was a tag-team battle with a homoerotic team that loved to pose and strut. One match featured a guy called Chupacabra, an animalistic wrestler that tried biting his opponent, to no avail. A bizarre match was a match-up between a superhero with a cereal box for a head called Cereal Man going up against a guy dressed up like Lucky from Lucky Charms, who was booed after he disrespected Cereal Man’s good name by dumping out one of his boxes of cereal. It was all raw. It was all emotional.

The wrestling showcase culminated in one final match with the reigning champion – whose name I didn’t get because the quality of the commentary wasn’t that good – against a challenger called the Butcher. The Butcher’s whole gimmick was utilizing objects thrown up on the stage, brutally beating up the champion with chairs and such. When the Butcher downed the champion, he trapped his leg in a chair and then jumped on it, breaking his leg (hopefully not for real). In response to this, other wrestlers started throwing themselves in the ring to protect him from the Butcher, who attempted to set him on fire.

It all ended when the flashy duo that lost to the Sin City Scumbags on the first day tried to take the Butcher on. One of them, who I now know as Da Shade, tried to knock out the Butcher with one of his own chairs, only to wind up knocking out his partner instead. In complete despair, Da Shade decided to go all in and helped the Butcher defeat the champion, to the boos of many.

I honestly forget if we did anything else that day. To me, the 2nd day was all wrestling and if there’s any takeaway I got from LVL UP Expo, it’s that I was a secret wrestling fan just waiting to embrace it.

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Dari Bazile

Howdy, I'm Dari, an aspiring game developer and game journalist. I run a review focused joint called Indie Hell Zone that's mainly focused on indie games, but here I'm willing to be all over the place. Avatar is drawn by @ladysaytenn on Twitter!

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