There are a lot of fans eagerly waiting to see what comes of the next generation of consoles. So far, I’d argue Microsoft and the Xbox team are giving us more info about the Series X than the PS5 so far. There are a lot of people online speculating what’s to come, but we are getting closer to the real reveal via Sony. A PS5 website is live, and while we don’t have a lot of new info from it, we’re getting closer than ever to knowing more.

Is the PS5 Website Giving Us New Info?

As of now, the PS5 website is not really giving us new information. There is a nice premise, however, for the latest info with an exciting message:

“Sign up below to be among the first to receive updates as we announce them, including news on the PS5 release date, PS5 price and the upcoming roster of PS5 launch games.”

There are a lot of amazing rumors circling, so you best believe we’re keeping up with them all. Firstly, the price range for these new consoles is the biggest mystery. All signs point to a Pro version of each console, the PS5, and Xbox Series X, being around $500. Now, rumors are pointing that cheaper versions at launch could help each company compete with larger consumer bases. There are a lot of other variables in the air, but it’s still all speculation at this point.

When Will We See a PS5 Reveal?

I think we have to be looking at a February or March kickoff to PS5 season, as I’m calling it. Holiday 2020 is going to come sooner than we all think. Microsoft is playing it close to the chest, but at least they revealed their flagship console at The Game Awards 2019. I don’t know when we’ll find out more about Sony’s entry into the console wars. I do know this: PhenixxGaming is going to be the place to keep up with everything.

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