Back in 2013, the visceral Platinum Games released The Wonderful 101 for the Wii U, to critical acclaim but meager sales numbers. The platform exclusivity doomed the title to not sell as well as if it were multi-platform, but a fanbase surrounded the “Unite Action” action-adventure game due to its unique premise and playstyle. The majority of Platinum Games’ releases get this treatment, with titles like Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and Nier: Automata under their belt.

On February 3rd, a Kickstarter was announced to remaster The Wonderful 101 for modern systems. The goal to release on Switch is $50k, on Steam $250k, and for PS4, $500k. These are modest goals, understandable for a studio such as Platinum to deliver with. Thankfully, the fan response for this Kickstarter was immediately rampant, with goals being smashed in no time. At the time of writing, the project is at $434k and rising, with this being the third hour of it being up. With a 31-day timeline originally planned, I have to wonder if they’ll add even more stretch goals after the $500k inevitably gets hit in an hour or so, as of writing.

Kickstarted games can be hit or miss, with titles like Mighty No. 9, Yooka Laylee, and Shenmue III all releasing thanks to successful campaigns yet receiving a ho-hum critical response. Since this is merely a remaster of an already-established title developed by a reliable studio, I cannot foresee this title being anything but spectacular. I have full faith in Platinum Games to deliver another knockout hit, it is merely just a matter of the timeline, which has not been established in the Kickstarter just yet.

One of the most amusing rewards I’ve seen yet is present here, with the option to get blocked by Platinum CEO Hideki Kamiya on Twitter. This humorous option has already been opted for by a few backers, who, for some reason, want to be selectively ignored by someone they must idolize. Nevertheless, I am excited to see The Wonderful 101 hit modern systems thanks to this wildly-successful Kickstarter.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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