Whether you want to call it the Final Fantasy VII RemakeFinal Fantasy 7 Remake, or just plainly Final Fantasy VII, it is one of the most anticipated games of this year. I’m not a fan of the series, I’ve never played more than Final Fantasy XV, and its Disney crossover with Kingdom Hearts bores the nips off me. Nevertheless, with the release date set last May during Sony’s State of Play conference, I’ve got some hope for it as you can drop the turn-based combat in favor of something that makes sense. However, that March release date was recently pushed back a bit.

Though as we get ever closer to the release of this highly anticipated game, pre-orders have undoubtedly been sent in with the hope of playing as early as possible. Our own editor-in-chief Alexx and Managing Editor Lisa both love the series and have a pre-order sent in already. I’m sure many others have too, either in stores like GameStop, Best Buy, or any other bricks and mortar stores, even Amazon and PlayStation Store pre-orders have been sent in. However, there’s one place that your pre-order might be at risk if you don’t act soon.


As I noticed on Instagram just a couple of days ago, if you are one of the few that pre-ordered the game before the delay was announced on the Square Enix store, you will have to re-confirm your order. This is only for U.S. pre-orders as far as we know via the public statement from the official Square Enix social media accounts. As your purchase with Square Enix is not finalized until the 28th of February, you will have to opt-in and agree with this change by the 28th or forgo your pre-order. As the brief statement says, you will get an email reminder on the 20th if you haven’t already done so.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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