Zombie games are done to death, unironically they just won’t die; whether it is two different Walking Dead VR games coming out in 2020, games stuck in early access until the sun explodes, or Sony’s attempts to get Days Gone into everyone’s hearts. It is hard to say they are exciting when the zombie apocalypse is a more familiar place than the 80s to some people. “Zombies,” “crafting,” and “survival” couldn’t put me off quicker unless it was topped with a dog turd from a Great Dane.

Techland’s Dying Light is a game that is trying with great vigor to become a series with its second installment. Yesterday it was announced that the game will not be hitting it’s initially aimed for release window of spring 2020. The studio’s CEO, Pawel Marchewka, didn’t say when the game might be released, opting instead to take the pressure off without that circle on the calendar. So in the meantime, Dying Light 2 will be on an indefinite hold until it is decided the game is polished enough.

We were initially aiming for a Spring 2020 release with Dying Light 2, but unfortunately we need more development time to fulfill our vision,” said Marchewka in the statement on Twitter. Marchewka went on to say, “We will have more details to share in the coming months, and will get back to you as soon as we have more information. We apologize for this unwelcome news.” Capping off the statement with “Our priority is to deliver an experience that lives up to our own high standards and to the expectations of you, our fans.”

Aside from the lead-in I gave, I’m curious about Dying Light 2 following my few minutes with the former a few years back. Sure I spent most of those few minutes crying on top of an ambulance as hoards of shirtless men surrounded me, but that’s a weekend in Brighton. This second installment seems to be more focused on helping people and fighting a proto-government, that could be interesting with zombies at night.

However, delays will always be annoying as a consumer, that’s the nature of the beast of it when you’re excited by something. There are a few of us here that want Animal Crossing New Horizon right now, we’ll just have to wait. A delay isn’t necessarily a bad thing, Grand Theft Auto 5 was delayed to perfect its mechanics. I’d sooner have a game delayed and it was better than the piles of tripe that are allowed on Steam daily. Don’t be angry when the Final Fantasy VII Remake is delayed, just hope the team working on it are perfecting it.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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