It’s been looming for awhile now, but a major worker’s union is officially working with gaming industry and tech workers on large scale unionization.

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) is a major organizing body for workers in all sorts of industries. Given the recent backlash against publishers and developers pushing employees well past the point of reasonable work conditions, it seems past due but very welcome. The CWA works with a number of high profile labor forces, including most recently overworked and undervalued Google employees, to achieve fair working conditions.

I could go on about the importance of worker’s unions, but I’ll save that for another time. What I will say is that most working people have to fight for the rights they have, rather than get treated fairly from the get go. For a long time, tech and video games have been two sectors of the working world that largely get ignored. It’s easy to talk about unions for truck drivers and teachers, but tech workers are among some of the most undervalued and mistreated in the world.

The Campaign to Organize Digital Employees (CODE) is the video game and tech-specific branch of the CWA. Tom Smith, the CWA’s lead organizer said of the partnership that “workers themselves reached out to us while doing that amazing self-organizing, and said, ‘Can we do this in partnership with the CWA?’” Unionizing is all about support, both financial and moral, and resources. The CWA provides both to workers in a 43 billion dollar industry that seems hell bent on mistreating the workers that keep it afloat.

So, what’s the plan moving forward? Well, details on money behind the effort and a solid plan aren’t yet public. At the very least, we know there’s going to be pushback from the industry. Get ready for a lot of major publishers and companies investing in gaming to push back. If there’s one thing rich executives hate, it’s workers attempting to get some of their humanity and sanity back.

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